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Be His Hands & Feet

"But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hands is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly."


Matthew 6: 3-4 NKJV

Safe Place
for Women


It is my pleasure to share my plans for helping gather a strong community to support Safe Places for Women.  Their mission statement along with Alia’s testimony will impress upon you the impact that we can have as we volunteer locally, spread the word nationally and build support networks socially and financially.  

I am blessed to be a part of this organization as a volunteer and planner for our upcoming Sunset Soirée series of events designed to raise awareness and illuminate what is ahead including our local goals.  

Please consider becoming a sponsor, attending one of our upcoming events, inviting others with a heart to help, making a one time or monthly donation and volunteering.  


Andy Honsberger

Andy is a child of God with autism and  lymphoma. We're raising money for Chemo, Team Andy T-Shirts and family expenses.

Follow Andy's Journey at Grace Overflow Facebook Group

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Baby Whitten John

Whitten John has LCH. It's an immune disorder and cancer. Because it is an extremely rare disease, affecting only one in 100,000 people, it is underfunded and they’re currently is no cure.

Follow Whitten's John's Journey

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Beverly Lennon

Bev is fighting a fierce battle against Multiple Myeloma, a cancer that attacks the blood and bones. She is now in the hospital receiving stem cell transplants and doctors are very confident that this will put her into remission and she'll be healthy enough to resume her normal life without chemo.


Healing House for Women & Children

The RESTORED program is a world-class healing housing designed to help women and children escape and thrive after abuse. It uniquely addresses the whole person: spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, relationally, educationally, professionally and economically. 


The Goal: For women and children to go from harmed to healed and from homeless to homeownership. 


This program was planted by Audrey Prosper who founded the

National Domestic Violence Collaborative. 

Follow NDVC and their journey to nurturing healthier individuals, families and communities.

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Thank you for giving!

Thank you for partnering with us to show up for our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is an honor and privilege to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Connect With Us

We're here to help you grow in your faith.

Thanks for reaching out!

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©2023 - Made with Love by Audrey May Prosper, LLC

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